Sunday, April 06, 2008

Creating our urban homestead!

Well, we now have chickens. Ten adorable chicks, living in a rubbermaid bin in my master bathroom. I had a spare bin, so I took the easy route and made it into a brooder for my babies. Much easier than building one. We still have to build a coop, so a simple brooder was just the thing.

I am getting ready to set up my garden, using the square foot gardening technique. I think it will work for me and provide my with all my favorite veggies. Nothing better that growing your own so you know there aren't any pesticides used on them. Tomatoes, zucchini, a large variety of peppers, sweet corn, spinach, lettuce--I can't wait!

More info here:

For chicken support, I have found:

For photos of my babies:

I am looking forward to finding ways to reduce my impact on the earth, and be more self-sufficient. Homesteading should be challenging, rewarding and a wonderful path for personal growth.

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