Monday, August 28, 2006

Bean's mom

She is driving us nuts! She can't seem to get it through her head that Bean is 17 years old, four months shy of 18, and isn't going to take any more of her crap. She is making demands and threats, which isn't unusual. But she has not paid a penny to us for the child's upkeep. I gladly do that. She may as well be my daughter, I have always treated her thus. She has never gotten over Hub getting primary custody. It has been stuck in her craw for years.

Bean handles it pretty well. Better than I would. I just worry when Bean is a young adult, out in the working world. I'm just betting that she will be pestered by her mom and that side of the family for money. I've told her that she needs to put her foot down from the start, that she is not going to give them money. It would be so much better to not have to even start that kind of nonsense.

Bean deserves a good life. A life free of chaos and drama. Her mom lives on drama. If there isn't some tragedy going on, she thinks she's not living.

I wish she would back off on the religion thing, too. Bean doesn't think she wants to be Mormon. If she decides that's what she wants, fine. But Hub and I think she should be free to choose. Of course, being raised by a pagan step-mom makes you open your eyes to all the truths in the world. I'm glad Bean has an open mind.

I am so proud of her. I think she has a wonderful life ahead.

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