Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cold, snowy day off

We've been so lucky with the weather this year. It hasn't been pleasant, but other areas of the country have been slammed with snow and ice. I will not complain-it could have been much worse here!

We are working on some projects, most in the planning stages. Chris has a great design for a chicken tractor. I have been deciding what to plant this spring and where to plant it. My pet project will be my container garden on the front porch. I want herbs, lettuces, and some vegetables that make good patio plants.

Chickens, gotta love 'em. Top is Penny one of our Auracana hens. She and her friend Coco have not given us an egg in about 9 months. They are not that old and we don't understand why they stopped laying. They are both quite docile and tame and like to be carried around and pet.

My friend Helen brought me some squash she was storing that got hit by the cold. No longer fit for human consumption, the chickies sure enjoyed the treat.

I love all those brown eggs! Different shades of brown, some even look a little pink. White eggs just look funny to me now.

We've got a lot coming up. Chris is doing a presentation on February 15 about easy garden construction projects. On February 22, I am doing a presentation on Urban Sustainable Living. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Araucanas are so beautiful, Penny is just lovely. My own Penny is a Buff Orpington, and also very tame.