Busted! I caught the youngsters peering at me through the French doors! This is the first time I have seen them on the deck, the little stinkers. They have been out enjoying bugs all morning. They should be close to needing nesting boxes. I'll have to look around to see if I can throw something together for them to lay in. I did warn Chris that I would be using his power tools!

Run, chickies, run! Scout looks like she is about to take off as she flees to "safety!"

Randy the Magnificent. This bird is so full of himself. My friend Jeanna begged for his life. That and my soft heart are the only reasons he has been spared the stew pot. He was not attractive as a chick, but he has become much prettier the last few weeks.

Marigolds, Dragon carrots, heirloom tomatoes. So pretty! This raised bed has done so well this year!

My Black-eyed Susans have gone crazy again this year. It is so amazing to look out and see this lovely yellow field every day. The pollinators have been buzzing like crazy around these gorgeous flowers.

My acorn squash has made an appearance. I can't wait to cook with these! I love winter squash and it is so good for you, too!

On a stroll around the woodsrow, I found the sumac looking good. I have never tried to pick any. I am told it can make an excellent drink, rather like lemonade. I have never tested that theory. There isn't very much of it and I know the wildlife enjoys it in the winter. So, I'll leave it be.
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